10 Reactions to the disclosure of my autism

  1. I know a lot of autistic people, but you are very different from them. Well, the spectrum is getting closer and closer to normality. In no time we’ll all be autistic.
  2. Now I’m really speechless. I can’t say anything sensible about autism. Can I ask you a question? Yes? Can you explain to me what being autistic means to you?
  3. Oh, I didn’t know that about you at all. I really never saw that in you. You seem quite ordinary to me. Are you really sure you haven’t misunderstood? Aren’t you a bit artistic or sarcastic?
  4. Come on, let’s not underestimate ourselves. You really get over it, it’s just a phase in your life. The main thing now is that you do your best, and that you don’t let yourself fool thinking you’re autistic. You see, autism is a quite serious condition for those who really have it. I might have a great remedy that will give you some positive vibes.
  5. Oh, I didn’t know you were good at math and science. You’re a nice boy/girl though and you’re very social. Aside from your bizarre behavior now and then, you seem friendly and pleasant to be around. I’ve never seen you suddenly become aggressive when you don’t get your way. You must have made some psychiatrist very angry and get a sort of revenge diagnosis.
  6. Oh, that’s not good news, isn’t it? In what kind of clinic or hospital are you currently staying? Hopefully you will find peace and the necessary care. The world these days is really unkind to those who are good and peaceful.
  7. And what do you expect from us? That we drop everything for your ‘autism’? That you get your own desk, your own chair in the canteen, your own parking space? Look, we’re all special here. For God’s sake don’t let those labels define you, man.
  8. That makes me really angry. I didn’t think they’d get you, but really nobody escapes the DSM-gang these days. My neighbor’s brother even told me yesterday he was depressed. Now, he sure earns a good living, he is married and has even fathered children. You can’t do it when being depressed. You may have bizarre behavior and you’re certainly a little slower in understanding but autistic? No, it’s not, I’m sure.
  9. So, that’s what it is? Unbelievable. We now have an autist in our family now. Who would have thought that? Don’t let Grandpa know, he’s only just recovered that his grandchild has Down. And now you, as if all those years you weren’t special enough with your equine psychology degree. No, the old man won’t survive that.
  10. Congratulations! Really, I mean that. Then you must ask for earplugs or headphones, right? And you also love otaku and ASMR? Be glad you’re in the high-functioning part of the spectrum, which includes very special people, geniuses, singers, engineers and writers. Let me know if you’re on TV or in the magazines so I can follow your rising star in the media!